A Force for Transformation

You’ve been searching.

To find the answers as to why, after everything you’ve done, all the seminars, books, motivational talks, positive thinking, and habit-changing techniques, your life still isn’t where you want it to be. And even though you recite those affirmations every morning, you’re not seeing the results you thought you’d see.

Your business isn’t thriving and growing; in fact, it feels like most days, it’s either stagnating or moving backward.

Your relationships aren’t lighting you up like they used to.

You have an underlying fear that you’re not enough anymore. 

I. Know. Why. 

Through our transformative journey, you’ll find healing. Healing at a level you’ve never considered before. I’ll introduce you to and guide you through listening to your soul’s deepest wisdom to discover the answers that have been just waiting for you to find them. 

Our work will help you navigate your world with confidence, clarity, and holistic well-being, creating a life of fulfillment and abundance-creating the life of your dreams.

Dear beautiful soul, it’s time to take the step. 

Our Values and our Mission Statement

Our Values

Valuing the creation of a safe and authentic space where individuals can freely express themselves, my commitment is to provide a nurturing environment for you. Where you can trust that your voice will be heard, your needs will be cared for, and your healing journey will be guided. I am dedicated to being fully present, holding space, and supporting your healing process.

Our Mission

My mission is to guide you on a transformational journey using innovative and non-traditional methodologies that foster growth and healing. Through the tools and energy techniques I provide, I guide you as you heal,  to embody your true self and fulfill your soul mission in this lifetime. I am committed to supporting you in unleashing your highest potential and living a purposeful, fulfilling life."


After years of neglecting my own desires and succumbing to the pressures of others, I reached a breaking point. I was working as a financial advisor, earning a coveted six-figure salary and earning accolades and trips, but I could feel my soul slowly being sucked dry.In the depths of despair, with nowhere to turn but upward, I made a pivotal decision to leave financial services and find peace. At the time, I thought this decision was from a place of failure. It was through an insightful question I was asked that I later discovered this act was one of the most courageous and brave things I had ever done. During that challenging time, the personal development world hadn't yet blossomed into the thriving industry it is today.I desperately searched for guidance, yearning for answers, help, and someone to talk to, but I found very little. I stumbled upon a few books that offered some insight, but for the most part, I had to navigate my journey alone. I spent six months on my couch, crying often and praying out of anguish. It was during those moments of vulnerability that divine answers reached me, providing the initial steps toward healing and guiding me to rebuild my life.My inner calling to serve others resurfaced, igniting a profound passion within me. I embarked on a transformative journey of training and becoming a healing practitioner.My deep-rooted desire to assist fellow women stems from the belief that no one should have to navigate their healing journey alone. They deserve to have a voice, someone who listens attentively and empathizes with their struggles. I offer a path of self-discovery brimming with awareness, breakthroughs and transformative healing experiences.

Before working with Judith, I was not sure why I wasn't reaching my full potential.

After working with Judith and removing all of my blocks, I have more clients, more speaking engagements, and more traffic on all of my social media platforms. If you are thinking about working with Judith, Do It!

You will be So thankful you did!

Amanda Wood

CEO and Founder

Working with Judith changed my life- it's that simple. Having left my corporate career to follow my dream and passion as an entrepreneur, I was excited but stuck. My mentality was that I needed a coach to kick my ass to get me going in many areas of my life.

The very first time I spoke with Judith, she helped me to realize that what I needed to do was heal. Heal the soul wounds I never even knew I had.

Judith's skills and knowledge are second to none- her toolkit is overflowing with greatness. She is a spiritual badass, and she just knows—no other way to put it.

So much of the growth within myself as well as my business can be attributed to working with and knowing this amazing woman.

Julie Allyson

CEO and Founder


As A Force For Transformation, I guide you to harness the power of your soul’s deepest wisdom to create healing and positive change in your life. As your dedicated spiritual and transformational healer, I will lead you on a personalized journey. You’ll be in a safe and nurturing space for your own evolution and healing journey to unfold. Because you possess the capacity to make a difference in your life, as you step into your healing, you’ll create a ripple effect of high vibration and frequency out to your world. You will become an agent of transformation, contributing to the collective through your growth, healing, and empowerment. 

I’ll provide the tools, insights, guidance, and healing methods you need to unlock your true potential. I’ll train you to tap into your inner strength and wisdom. The healing you experience will help you overcome challenges, transcend limitations, and step into a life of purpose and fulfillment. You will embark on a transformative path that will lead to greater self-awareness, resilience, and the ability to make positive changes in all aspects of your life. Together, we will co-create a journey that nurtures your growth, expands your possibilities, and ultimately helps you become the best version of yourself.


Transformation, Growth, and Spiritual Insights!